Tuesday, November 08, 2005


With allof the new information coming out about the Iraq War and the cooked intelligence, I have decided that there is a major need for updates and perhaps a new section.

I will also be adding a new section on the statistical rankings of nations on various issues. However, this will most likely be only one or two links, since I have located one of the most exhaustive datasets available after hunting around quite a bit.


At 6:09 AM, Blogger young brother said...

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At 6:11 AM, Blogger young brother said...

Hey LP (I almost want to call you "Healthy" rather than "L-P" because of the contrast between your awakened state and the zombies all around us). I was wondering if you might be able to help steer me clear to the most reliable, verifiable sources of this news that you know of.
While the truth of what's going on is obvious to me, it has yet to be proven in the eyes of someone very stubborn but close to me. My Bible knowledge is sound, but because of my general disgust, until recently I had not kept a running tabs on current events. And I don't want to dillute the message with faulty sources. My email is expose_darkness@yahoo.com
please do me a tremendous favor and send me a list of fact-based, not propagandized news. Neutral truth is our greatest weapon. Because left and right are the great illusion. looking forward to new posts. check out my blog to see a new slideshow when you get the chance, too. Thank you, and God bless you.


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