Creating an Alternate Reality
- Very revealing - watch "The Power of Nightmares." It was produced by the BBC and never saw air time in the states.
It is three one-hour segments discussing the fabrication of the modern battle of "Good and Evil." It is prime material for proof of "creating reality."
I find myself getting increasingly amused at recent events:
London gets bombed by what by all accounts appear to be rank ameteurs and then we are told the bombing has all the tell-tale signs of al qaeda . I have a few problems with this;
if this was a terrorist act, why did the bombings take place in stations that had relatively few people? The police say that they met at the main station - they could have exacted a much higher death toll there.
How did it "just happen" that London Underground Bombing 'Exercises' Took Place at Same Time as Real Attack? The odds are staggering! One stands a better chance of picking up the same grain of twice! ( I will post the link to this story shortly)
I could go on, but right now, I just want to get these questions out of my head and written down.
Then there is Karl Rove.
In 2003, when the story first broke that someone had leadked the identity of a covert CIA agent, President Bush declared that anyone in the White House who was involved in the leak would be fired. He now says that he will fire anyone who committed a crime.
Fox is at it again! (Media Matters Web Site)
- what does somebody have to do to get fired at that place?
Oh yeah, that's right - just disagree with the administration and you'll get canned!
While I will not jump to conclusions here about Rove, I will say what really smells fishy here:
Why did it take the release of Time email to get Rove out in the open as a "suspect"? If the White House had been really getting down to the heart of the matter, wouldn't this have been discovered already, and wouldn't Rove have been fired as Bush promised in 2003?
Why is Wilson suddenly a "bad guy?" He exposed the fact that the Niger documents were fake!
The Bush administration and the Corporate Media Machine are acting as if simply making a statement makes it a fact.
Recently, I watched as reporters lamented their circumstances on TV. they were desperately trying to convince their viewers that they were still reliable and we should listen to them. This was done in the form of a "cross-fire" like discussion to make it look legit, but all it really was was a sad display of "damage control." The media are starting to realize that the public is waking up to their BS and lack of initiative to cover the real stories. While they have been filling the boob toob with fluff and "newstainment" those of us desperately wanting to know what has been going on in the outside world have turned to the internet free press and each other.
They are realizing that they are losing their grip on the news audience. I came to this conclusion the moment they began to announce that the blogs aren't "real" reporters - that all blog news is suspect - when that statement was made, in light of all of the botched reports, from poorly researched reports to outright lies (see the FoxNews report above) I knew they were beginning to realize that the ship was sinking.
The great tool of the Administration and the Mass Media is, if you have nothing to defend yourself with, discredit the messenger!
Example number 1: Dan Rather reports on a memo that was supposedly written by the President's CO back when he was in the Guard. Now, can anyone tell me what the secretary of that officer said to Dan Rather? I'll give you a few seconds.
She said that she did not write that particular document, but that the contents were exactly correct! Now, go back and read that a second time....
How many of you actually remember that she said this? All most of us remember is that the document was declared a fake and that was it, but no one bothered to focus on the facts of the event - that George Bush was AWOL, and the CO wrote more derrogatory memos about him than any other person at that time.
Example Number 2: In 2003, Robert Novak released the name of an active covert CIA agent's name in an article he wrote.
Slate Magazine online: The Plame Game
The new game by the media is to discredit or smear anyone who might get in the way...
Has anyone been keeping up with the Cindy Sheehan? Read her story, and then ask yourself why the good ol' boys at Fox decided to start smearing her name all over the place?
Do they really think that no one is watching? Did they think that just saying it would make it so? Did Drudge and O'Reilley think that even in the light of the obvious lie, no one would care or just take what they say as gospel?
You will, of course, notice that Fox has not leveled any reprimands at O'Reilly or Drudge.
The media is running rampant and unchecked. The only time any noise in the Mass Media is when it doesn't support the neo-con party line.
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