Wednesday, April 20, 2005


The purpose of this blog is to provide resources for people to investigate the antics of the Rogue Government for themselves.

The Rogue Government is also referred to as the "Shadow Government." It is the group of people who are really in power in the US. The corruption crosses party lines! Some Republicans and some Democrats remain untarnished by this corruption, but not many.

Once you have done your homework, don't just sit there, do something! Spread the word as much as you can. This is the hardest part for two reasons:

1. The Mainstream Media has done a very good job of brainwashing the masses. They treat us as sheep. The sad part is that for many people, it isn’t far from the truth. I mean, seriously, if you want to get an idea of how they see the American public, just watch the new Skittles commercial!

2. Because the powers-that-be have done their best to discredit our work as "conspiracy 'theories'". They are doing their best to discredit us - the bloggers. They are trying to make our work look questionable by saying that we are not "real" journalists and are working on making it a criminal offense for us to protect our sources by saying that we are not protected by the same laws that the "real" journalists are.

The powers-that-be are also trying to make it mandatory to have “credentials” to be a journalist. I wonder who will have a say in what those credentials are?

The fact is that bloggers ARE real journalists when they operate under the same rules of checking our facts and reporting with integrity and reporting on the facts, and where applicable, saying that we are stating our opinion – not using the “some people say” defense.

Here's a list to get you started. Most of these pages provide links to their sources. Where they don't, a simple search on Google or other search engine will provide a lot of links. Some of those links will actually point to the original source - if they haven't been lost or deleted.

September 11, 2001

The Great Election Fraud
There have been accusations in both the Dem. and Rep. camps about voter fraud, but do you know the facts about the electronic voting machines? This includes ANY voting system that involves electronic tallying. Why were the exit polls "wrong" only in areas that did not use paper ballots? (What I mean by this is that the ballots are paper counted by hand)

Independent Press
Freespeech TV

And last for this post:

RULES: I encourage anyone to post links that help out in this arena. What I will almost immediately delete are posts that use Fox "opinion" network, and other blatantly conservative oppressionist sources. The exception to this rule will be that I will post them as being "hostile witnesses" and I will do the research to show them to be inflated and false.

Hate speech, taunts, blatantly obvious blathering that serves no purpose but to produce inflammatory comments, name calling - BY ANYONE - and BS will NOT be tolerated and will result in being deleted.


At 2:54 PM, Blogger PursuingTruth said...

Another interesting 9/11 web site
"All the proof you need"
Great service on this site


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